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Global Brand

Simone Caporale world acclaimed bartender, Co Founder of The Art of Shaking, Sips Drinkery, and ranked No 3 in the Worlds Best 50 Bars proudly stands as Flavour Blaster global brand ambassador. 

Simone Caporale Global Brand Ambassador

"The Flavour Blaster has generated a 30% increase in add-on sales at the bar"

Flavour Blaster 

innovator and global ambassador

Sips Drinkery

Co Founder of award winning bar in Barcelona


Co creator of online learning platform 

Simone Caporale earned so many international accolades while working with the Artesian Bar at The Langham Hotel that he became a global phenomenon within the hospitality industry.

He broke into consumer bartender fame when he teamed up with celebrity chef Jamie Oliver to present the Jamie Oliver Drink’s Tube. He is well known for collaborating with colleagues Alex Kratena and Monica Berg, as a founder of the P(our) symposium, running the Marque d’Amour hotel bar in L’Escape Hotel, Seoul and consulting with brands and venues all around the world.

He is personally known for his inventive, fun and awe-inspiring cocktail creations.

Simone's Favourite Products 

Flavour Blaster - Kit - Pro 2 - Gold
Flavour Blaster - Kit - Pro 2 - Gold
Flavour Blaster - Kit - Pro 2 - Gold
Flavour Blaster - Kit - Pro 2 - Gold
Bubble Mixture - Bubble X (180ml) - 2 Pack
Bubble Mixture - Bubble X (180ml) - 2 Pack
Cocktail Aromatic - Passionfruit (10ml)
Cocktail Aromatic - Passionfruit (10ml)
Cocktail Aromatic - Lychee (10ml)
Cocktail Aromatic - Lychee (10ml)

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