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Frequently Asked Questions

Do you ship worldwide?

Yes!We ship our products all over the world. If you can't find your country on our list, this may be due to an exclusive distributor in your country email us at support@flavourblaster.com so we can refer you to the distributor to place an order or we can create a manual invoice for your order.

How long until I get my products?

We aim to dispatch all orders within 48hrs of the order being placed. Shipping times vary depending on customer location. UK deliveries are next working day.USA shipping time is 3-4 days depending on the destination state. International shipping is a little longer, but this is usually a maximum of 7-10 days. Please note that shipping times for some countries (Europe and ROW may be dependent on you the customer clearing the goods from customs in a timely manner).If items are out of stock, where possible there will be notifications on the product page.

Do you have a distributor in my country?

We have distributors located all over the world, you can find a list of these distributors in the ‘Support’ tab – ‘’Find a Distributor’ – or you can email support@flavourblaster.com for more information.

My product isn't working...

Please don't worry, these things can happen. We're on hand to support you. If you encounter an unfortunate problem, please take a photo or video of the issue.Email us at support@flavourblaster.com, we will aim to solve via email. If we cannot rectify over email we will be able to send a link to book a1:1 video/phone call with one of our engineers to take further measure to fix the issue. We will replace units within the 1-year guarantee period. Following the 1-year we have alternative out-of-guarantee upgrade options.

Can I get a discount

Become and affiliate and receive 5% cash back for every order that converts. Email us at support@flavourblaster.com for more information.

Why is my bubble popping?

Great Question! Check out our help videos here If you're still having difficulty, please email us at support@flavourblaster.com

How is the smoke created?

Firstly, we want to clarify the Flavour Blaster does not 'smoke', there is no messy burning of wood chips involved.

The aroma cloud itself is created by heating the aroma liquid against a coil in the tank.

Our range of aromas does include a hickory smoke aroma but we also offer citrus, herbal, fruit and neutral aromas without the smoke smell.

How many Bubbles does a 180ml bottle of Bubble X make?

Well this all depends on the size of the bubble……..

We calculate that if you are creating average size bubbles the Bubble X mixture will make up to 1000 bubbles per 180ml bottle.

How many aroma bubbles will the 10ml bottle of aroma make?

The 10ml bottle of aroma will make up to 250 bubbles, this is dependent on the size of the bubble.

Of course, some of our customers
use the aroma function only so this would equate to 250 4-second bursts of the trigger for aroma.

What is the shelf life of the refills?

The Bubble X and aromas have a shelf life of 24 months and 12 months once opened.

How long does a full charge of battery last on my Pro 2.4?

The battery will last fully charged for 8+ hours and the charging time for a full charge is 8 hrs.

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