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Bartender with Blaster Kit

Equipment for Serving Cocktails at a Summer Event

Outdoor Drinking with the Flavour Blaster

We may not be able to travel, but this year will include a lot of outside events. Even as we crawl slowly out of lockdown and social distancing measures relax, we will be keen to feel that unique togetherness that only comes from group gatherings.

Yes, I hear you say, plenty of music festivals have been cancelled due to ongoing uncertainty, but my friends, that I'm afraid, is because they are too big to fail and they can't afford the risks. Smaller or impromptu gatherings look highly likely, and if the UK Government Road Map current deadline of the 19th July still holds, we may well be out clubbing, hugging and drinking all night pretty soon.

But before we get excited…

UK Events in 2021: A Look at the Facts

  • It found that just 28 cases of COVID-19 were linked to nine events in 2021.
  • The ERP report finds that mitigation measures can reduce and manage risks associated with viral transmission at large events.
  • These measures include face coverings, ventilation, testing, restrictions on food and drink, and capacity caps.
  • Attendee compliance with these measures at the trail events was observed to be high.
  • The second round of trials is currently taking place, involving larger crowds at higher risk events such as football matches and music festivals.
  • More than 75 million Covid-19 vaccine doses have now been
  • Over 60% of adults are now fully vaccinated, while more than 82% have received at least one dose.

Photo by Micheile Henderson on Unsplash

Get Your Flavour Blaster Equipment Event Ready

So, let's be optimistic and say that you could even run your own little party. Let's also say that you want to bring your Flavour Blaster gun out and about so you can be the master of ceremonies when it comes to making cocktails. Then let's have a look at some additional equipment you might need.

This case contains all you need to operate your Flavour Blaster on the fly. You'll get the gun, of course, but also a charging cable, set of aromatics and matching coils and a reusable aroma tank.

Available for both the Pro 1 and Pro 2 Flavour Blaster models bespoke made to fit your gun and accessories. Manufactured from 6.5mm laminates with a black die-cut holder on the inside, butterfly locks, balled corners and inlaid techno handle, this bad boy was designed to withstand the pressures of international travel. It has room for the following:

2 Flavour Blaster Guns

10 Bottles of Flavour Blaster Aromatics

5 Tanks

5 Tank Coils

5 Bottles of Bubble X

1 Tray

1 Accessories Box

1 Jigger


This may seem like an afterthought, but when you're in a muddy field, setting up a rickety bar on a rough thatch of grass, with nothing but campsite water taps for washing things up, you'll be glad of anything that keeps your equipment clean and organised.


The Flavour Blaster tray will keep your coils lined up with your aromas, so you don't get the scents mixed up (this is very important). On top of that, it will keep the bottles upright and on display, incentivising bartenders to keep their Flavour Blaster refills systematically placed for speed of service, reduce contamination between servers, stations and shift changes.


Flavour blaster kit in use

image credit: https://cafebarrestoran.rs/oprema/flavour-blaster-kokteli-u-aromaticnim-oblacima/

Featured Image Credit: https://www.instagram.com/labarmobile/

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