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How to use Bubblegum in cocktails

How to use Bubblegum in cocktails


Bartenders use bubblegum in cocktails in a variety of ways, depending on the desired outcome. Here are a few common methods:

  1. Bubblegum syrup: Bartenders add bubblegum syrup to cocktails as a sweetener and flavour enhancer. This syrup is typically made with sugar, water, and natural or artificial flavourings, and can be added by the pump, spoon, or pour.
  2. Bubblegum liqueur: Bartenders use bubblegum liqueur as a key ingredient in cocktails, adding its sweet, fruity flavour to the mix. This liqueur is typically made with sugar, alcohol, and flavourings, and is usually added by the shot or splash.
  3. Bubblegum extract: Bartenders use bubblegum extract as a way to add intense bubblegum flavour to cocktails. This extract is typically made with alcohol and natural or artificial flavourings, and is added in small amounts, a few drops at a time.
  4. Bubblegum candies: Bartenders muddle or crush bubblegum candies to add a playful and sweet flavour to cocktails. This method is often used to rim the glass, or to create a sweet and fruity garnish.
  5. Bartenders can now by using the new bubblegum aroma add a vapour bubble garnish or aroma cloud to their cocktails to give an additional blast to the olfactory system and further enhance the overall experience. 

When using bubblegum in cocktails, bartenders must be careful to balance the sweetness and flavour, as too much bubblegum can quickly overpower the other ingredients. Bartenders also need to consider the alcohol content, as bubblegum cocktails are often sweet and easy to drink, making it easy to over-indulge.

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