Simone Caporale for Flavour Blaster


It’s 1000 x more wow! It’s the final consumer the Flavour Blaster was designed to impress, and it really creates a gastronomic experience for them - @simonecaporale_


Simone Caporale earned so many international accolades while working with the Artesian Bar at The Langham Hotel that he became a global phenomenon within the hospitality industry. He broke into consumer bartender fame when he teamed up with celebrity chef Jamie Oliver to present the Jamie Oliver Drink’s Tube. He is well known for collaborating with colleagues Alex Kratena and Monica Berg, as a founder of the P(our) symposium, running the Marque d’Amour hotel bar in L’Escape Hotel, Seoul and consulting with brands and venues all around the world. He is personally known for his inventive, fun and awe-inspiring cocktail creations.

We have people queuing for the experience of trying this drink. I’ve noticed an increase of 30% new business at the bar. I’ve also had requests from big cosmetic houses and fashion companies to develop drinks for large scale events. All they want is a drink with the effects of the Flavour Blaster

Flavour Blaster

Simone Caporale’s search for a versatile piece of equipment resulted in his partnership with JetChill Ltd and the creation of the Flavour Blaster. This collaboration has led to some crazily creative cocktail ideas and ultimately, increased venue and events revenue through improved customer engagement.


Watch Simone explain how to get the most out of your Flavour Blaster!

Click Here

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