News - 'bar'
Top Tips For Resetting and Restocking Your Venue for A Successful Year Ahead
Tips to Kickstart a Fresh and Profitable Year in Hospitality As we leave the busy holiday season behind and step into the new year, it’s ...
Dry Ice Doesn't Have To Be Scary! How JetChill Is Making Dry Ice Accessible, One Venue At A Time!
We have created a safer alternative to dry ice pellets, using patented technology to create a dry ice powder instead! As the powder is so...
Winter Prep For Hospitality Venues: How to Transition Your Venue for Colder Weather
As the temperature drops and the nights grow longer, hospitality venues must prepare for the transition from warm summer days to the col...
It's Not Just A Bubble - Why Our Aroma Garnishes Are So Effective On Food And Drink
Time and time again, we hear people say "It's just a bubble gun" - but it's so much more than that! ⠀⠀We created the Flavour Blaster Arom...
Why Jetchill is a Safer Choice Over Dry Ice Pellets
For venues where customer safety and staff wellbeing are paramount, the Jetchill Twin Probe is a game-changing alternative to traditiona...
Flavour Blaster Pro 2 vs Flavour Blaster Mini 2: Which Aroma Gun Suits Your Venue Best?
The Flavour Blaster Aroma Gun has become a must-have tool in the hospitality industry, known for adding captivating, aromatic bubbles to ...
7 Quick and Easy Drink Ideas for Your Upcoming Homecoming Event Menu - Make Your Venue Unforgettable With Flavour Blaster Aromas and JetChill Dry Ice!
Homecoming events are the perfect time to impress alumni, students, and guests with drinks that go beyond the ordinary. By incorporating ...
Get more customers with the Jetchill Dry Ice Machine! A Game-Changing Addition to Fast-Paced Hospitality
In today’s fast-paced hospitality environment, standing out and providing unique customer experiences is critical. The Jetchill Twin Prob...
Embracing the Summer Season in Your Bar: 7 Tips for Hospitality Users To Increase Revenue
As the temperature rises and the days get longer, it's time to transform your bar into a summer oasis for your customers. We have just w...
A Red Wine Lover's Dream: 8 Aroma Pairings for Every Red Wine!
In this blog post, we delve into the world of aroma pairings for red wine, exploring how this revolutionary aroma gun can take your wine ...
Rum Isn't Just For Pirates! Why We Love Rum And The Best Aroma Pairings To Enjoy With It!
When it comes to aroma pairings, there are several fantastic options that can complement the rich and diverse flavours of rum. Here are ...
Why Aroma Guns Are Overtaking Smoke Guns As The Best Industry Bar Tool
Anything you can do, we can do better! Move over smoking gun, it's aroma gun's turn! To truly put it to the test, we have compared the tw...